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Adjust power management settings.

To access power management settings, press [MENU/OK], select the D ([SET UP]) tab, and choose [POWER MANAGEMENT].


Choose the length of time before the camera turns off automatically when no operations are performed. Shorter times increase battery life; if [OFF] is selected, the camera must be turned off manually.

[5 MIN] [2 MIN] [1 MIN] [30 SEC] [15 SEC] [OFF]


Select [BOOST] to improve focus and viewfinder display performance.

Option Description
[BOOST] Boost camera focus and viewfinder display performance. The battery drains faster than when is [NORMAL] selected.
[NORMAL] Choose for standard focus and viewfinder display performance and battery endurance.
[ECONOMY] Limit autofocus and viewfinder performance. This option offers better battery endurance than does [NORMAL].


Adjust the behavior of the EVF and LCD monitor when [BOOST] is selected for [PERFORMANCE].

Option Description
[EVF/LCD LOW LIGHT PRIORITY] Display brightness is adjusted to make subjects in shadows easier to see. Motion blur may cause ghosting.
[EVF/LCD RESOLUTION PRIORITY] Display resolution is increased to make details easier to see.
[EVF FRAME RATE PRIORITY (100P)] The refresh rate for the EVF is increased, smoothing motion.


If its temperature rises beyond a certain point, the camera will first display a message and then, if the temperature rise continues, automatically end shooting and power down. Choose the temperature at which the camera turns off automatically.

Option Description
[STANDARD] The camera turns off automatically when its temperature reaches the [STANDARD] value.
[HIGH] Shooting can continue at temperatures higher than the [STANDARD] value, extending the time available to record movies and the like. Because remaining in contact with the camera at these high temperatures could result in low-temperature burns, this option should only be used after mounting the camera on a tripod or taking other steps to avoid prolonged contact with the camera.