Enter a search term and click .

This section lists the indicators that may be displayed during shooting.

For illustrative purposes, displays are shown with all indicators lit.

The Electronic Viewfinder

ACrop factor

BIS mode 2

CMovie compression

DFocus check

EDepth-of-field preview

FFlash (TTL) mode

GFlash compensation

HSelf-timer indicator

IContinuous mode

JShutter type

KAF+MF indicator 2

LBluetooth ON/OFF

MWireless connection

NWhite balance

OAWB lock

PFilm simulation

QF-Log/HLG recording

RDynamic range

SD-range priority

TBluetooth host

UAirGlu BT connection

VMovie mode

WHigh-speed recording indicator

XRecording time available/elapsed recording time

YDestination for movie recording

ZNumber of available frames 1

aImage size

bFile format

cImage quality

dHEIF format

eDate and time

fTouch screen mode

gTemperature warning

hControl lock 3

iBoost mode

jPower supply


lBattery level


nExposure compensation


pDistance indicator 2

qShutter speed

rTTL lock

sAE lock


uShooting mode

vFocus mode 2

wFocus indicator 2

xManual focus indicator 2

yAF lock

zTime code

0Microphone input channel

1Recording level 2

2Exposure indicator

3Virtual horizon

4Focus frame

5Location data download status

6Frame.io connection status

7Image transfer status

8Frame.io upload progress

Shows “9999” if there is space for over 9999 frames.

Not displayed when [ON] is selected for D[SCREEN SET-UP] > [LARGE INDICATORS MODE(EVF)].

Displayed when controls have been locked by pressing and holding the [MENU/OK] button. Control lock can be ended by pressing and holding the [MENU/OK] button again.

The LCD Monitor

AWireless connection

BBluetooth ON/OFF

CCrop factor

DImage transfer status

EFrame.io upload progress

FMovie compression

GFocus check

HDepth-of-field preview

IBluetooth host

JAirGlu BT connection

KLocation data download status

LMovie mode

MHigh-speed recording indicator

NFocus frame

ORecording time available/elapsed recording time

PDate and time

QDestination for movie recording

RNumber of available frames 1

SImage size

TFile format

UImage quality

VHEIF format

WTouch screen mode 3

XAWB lock

YWhite balance

ZFilm simulation

aF-Log/HLG recording

bDynamic range

cD-range priority

dMovie optimized control 3

eVirtual horizon

fBoost mode

gTouch zoom 3

hTemperature warning

iControl lock 4

jBattery level

kPower supply



nExposure compensation

oDistance indicator 2


qTime code

rShutter speed

sTTL lock

tAE lock


vShooting mode

wFocus mode 2

xFocus indicator 2

yManual focus indicator 2

zAF lock

0Microphone input channel

1AF+MF indicator 2

2Shutter type

3Recording level 2

4Continuous mode

5Self-timer indicator

6Exposure indicator

7Frame.io connection status

8Flash (TTL) mode

9Flash compensation

AIS mode 2

Shows “9999” if there is space for over 9999 frames.

Not displayed when [ON] is selected for D[SCREEN SET-UP] > [LARGE INDICATORS MODE(LCD)].

Camera functions can also be accessed via touch controls.

Displayed when controls have been locked by pressing and holding the [MENU/OK] button. Control lock can be ended by pressing and holding the [MENU/OK] button again.

Choosing a Display Mode

Use D[SCREEN SET-UP] > [VIEW MODE SETTING] to choose from the following display modes. You can choose separate display modes for shooting and playback.

You can also assign [VIEW MODE SETTING] to a function button and use it to switch between the EVF and LCD monitor.


Option Description
E[EYE SENSOR] Putting your eye to the viewfinder turns the viewfinder on and the LCD monitor off; taking your eye away turns the viewfinder off and LCD monitor on.
r[LCD ONLY] LCD monitor on, viewfinder off.
Q[EVF ONLY] Viewfinder on, LCD monitor off.
Q[EVF ONLY] + E Putting your eye to the viewfinder turns the viewfinder on; taking it away turns the viewfinder off. The LCD monitor remains off.
t[EYE SENSOR + LCD IMAGE DISP.] Putting your eye to the viewfinder during shooting turns the viewfinder on, but the LCD monitor is used for the display of images once you remove your eye from the viewfinder after shooting. The options selected for D[SCREEN SET-UP] > [IMAGE DISP.] apply to display in the LCD monitor. This setting cannot be selected while shooting movies.

Go to D[SCREEN SET-UP] > [VIEW MODE SETTING] > [SHOOTING] in the setup menu and press the [Q] button to choose the view modes available.


Option Description
E[EYE SENSOR] Putting your eye to the viewfinder turns the viewfinder on and the LCD monitor off; taking your eye away turns the viewfinder off and LCD monitor on.
r[LCD ONLY] LCD monitor on, viewfinder off.
Q[EVF ONLY] Viewfinder on, LCD monitor off.

The Eye Sensor

  • The eye sensor may respond to objects other than your eye or to light shining directly on the sensor.
  • The eye sensor is not available when the LCD monitor is tilted.

Eye sensor

Adjusting Display Brightness

The brightness and saturation of the viewfinder and LCD monitor can be adjusted using the items in the D[SCREEN SET-UP] menu. Choose [EVF BRIGHTNESS] or [EVF COLOR] to adjust viewfinder brightness or saturation, [LCD BRIGHTNESS] or [LCD COLOR] to do the same for the LCD monitor.

Display Rotation

When [ON] is selected for D[SCREEN SET-UP] > [AUTOROTATE DISPLAYS], the indicators in the viewfinder and LCD monitor automatically rotate to match camera orientation.

The [DISP/BACK] Button

The [DISP/BACK] button controls the display of indicators in the viewfinder and LCD monitor.

Indicators for the EVF and LCD must be selected separately. To choose the EVF display, place your eye to the viewfinder while using the [DISP/BACK] button.


Standard indicators

Full screen (no indicators)

LCD monitor

Standard indicators

No indicators

Info display (still photography only)

Customizing Display Indicators

To choose the items shown in the standard indicator display:


    Select D[SCREEN SET-UP] > [DISP. CUSTOM SETTING] in the setup menu.

  2. Choose items.

    Highlight items and press [MENU/OK] to select or deselect.

    • [Expo. Comp. (Digit)]
    • [Expo. Comp. (Scale)]
    • [FOCUS MODE]
    • [FLASH]
    • [DUAL IS MODE]
    • [BOOST MODE]
    • [MIC LEVEL]
    • [DATE/TIME]
  3. Press [DISP/BACK] to save changes.

Framing Outline

Enable [FRAMING OUTLINE] to make the borders of the frame easier to see against dark backgrounds.


Histograms show the distribution of tones in the image. Brightness is shown by the horizontal axis, the number of pixels by the vertical axis.

Number of pixels



Pixel brightness


Optimal exposure: Pixels are distributed in an even curve throughout the tone range.

Overexposed: Pixels are clustered on the right side of the graph.

Underexposed: Pixels are clustered on the left side of the graph.

To view separate RGB histograms and a display showing areas of the frame that will be overexposed at current settings superimposed on the view through the lens, press the function button to which [HISTOGRAM] is assigned (aFunction Controls).

AOverexposed areas blink

BRGB histograms

Virtual Horizon

Check whether the camera is level. The display type can be chosen using D[SCREEN SET-UP] > [ELECTRONIC LEVEL SETTING]. Use the virtual horizon to level the camera when mounting it on a tripod or the like.



   Pitch          Roll

  • [OFF]: The virtual horizon is not displayed.
  • [2D]: A white line shows the amount the camera is tilted left or right. The line turns green when the camera is level. The line may vanish if the camera is tilted forward or back.
  • [3D]: The display shows whether the camera is tilted left or right and forward or back.

[ELECTRONIC LEVEL SWITCH] can be assigned to a function button and the button then used to switch between the 2D and 3D displays.